Sampson Regional Announces New Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic clinic to open this fall

新澳门葡京在线娱乐诚聘. 技术精湛、经验丰富的骨科医生马克·莫里亚蒂(Mark Moriarty)加入其医疗团队. Dr. Moriarty has a strong commitment to providing exceptional, 富有同情心的关怀社区,并将带来他的专业知识,在照顾各种骨科条件.  

Dr. Moriarty从位于北卡罗来纳州富兰克林的Mission Health加入Sampson区域医疗中心. 他是一名委员会认证的骨科医生,对所有普通骨科病例都很有能力, including joints, hips, and hands. 他擅长复杂的肩部修复,并对运动损伤的治疗特别感兴趣. 

“We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Moriarty to our team,” said Dr. Shawn Howerton, Chief Medical & Executive Officer. “Dr. 莫里亚蒂的专业知识和富有同情心的方法与我们提供高质量的使命完美契合, patient-centered care. 我们相信,我们的社区将受益于在桑普森县扩大获得优质骨科护理的机会.”

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Sampson Regional Medical Center is proud to announce, effective June 3rd, the launch of its new Inpatient Dialysis Service, 为住院期间需要透析治疗的患者提供更好的护理和便利.

认识到为肾病患者提供全面护理的重要性, 新澳门葡京在线娱乐投资了最先进的透析设备,为需要住院治疗的患者提供床边透析. 透析小组由多学科医疗保健专业人员组成, including nephrologists, hospitalists, and specially trained dialysis nurses, ensuring a coordinated and personalized care plan for each patient, promoting optimal health outcomes. 

“At Sampson Regional Medical Center, 我们一直在努力提高我们为病人提供的服务,” said Dr. Shawn Howerton, Chief Executive & Chief Medical Officer of Sampson Regional Medical Center. “我们的住院床边透析服务的引入强调了我们致力于满足我们社区不断变化的医疗保健需求,并确保我们的患者获得最高标准的护理, tailored to their individual needs.” 

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Sampson Convenient Care Announces New Changes for the Community

桑普森便利护理很高兴地宣布其服务的重大改进, aimed at better serving the healthcare needs of the community. Effective immediately, Sampson Convenient Care will extend its operating hours until 8 pm, Monday through Friday.

这一延长的时间反映了桑普森便利护理公司对患者可及性和便利性的承诺, 允许个人和家庭更灵活地获得高质量的医疗保健服务. "We understand that our patients lead busy lives, 我们想让他们尽可能方便地获得所需的护理," said Lynn Alexander, Director of Sampson Professional Services. Whether it's a routine check-up or an urgent medical concern, 延长的时间确保病人在方便的时候得到及时的治疗. Accepting both appointments and walk-in services, Sampson Convenient Care offers care that fits your schedule.

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我们最近发现了一个针对我们社区个人的骗局. Scammers are posing as representatives from Medicare, 欺骗个人提供他们的社会安全号码,而来电显示号码似乎是我们当地医院的.

This is NOT a legitimate call coming from the hospital or on behalf of Medicare.

为了保护你自己和你爱的人不成为这个骗局的受害者, we urge you to take the following precautions:

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Sampson Medical Group of Spivey’s Corner Opens Its Doors, Bringing Compassionate Care and Convenient Services to the Community

新澳门葡京在线娱乐激动地宣布其最新的初级保健实践的开放, Sampson Medical Group of Spivey’s Corner. Located in the heart of Spivey’s Corner, 该设施旨在为所有年龄的个人提供全面的医疗服务, ranging from newborns to older adults.

“我们理解优质便捷的医疗服务的重要性, especially in rural areas,” explained Dr. Shawn Howerton, Chief Executive & Chief Medical Officer of Sampson Regional Medical Center, 为什么医院选择斯皮维角作为桑普森医疗集团的下一个扩张地点. “我们的目标是为桑普森县的居民提供离家更近的初级保健服务, 节省患者宝贵的时间,确保获得一流的医疗服务.”

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As the end of the year is quickly approaching, 受益人应该开始为即将到来的一年探索他们的医疗保险选择. This can be a daunting task for most individuals, 这就是为什么新澳门葡京在线娱乐(SampsonRMC)鼓励个人花时间仔细审查每个计划的原因.


“了解你的保险范围是很重要的,并明白不是所有的健康计划都被每家医院或医生接受," stated Jerry Heinzman, Chief Financial Officer for SampsonRMC. 从10月中旬到年初,是许多受益人审查他们目前的医疗保险的时候, Medicaid, 和市场计划覆盖范围,以探索来年的选择. “作为你们的社区医院,我们知道选择很多,但答案很少. 虽然我们不能为任何产品或计划背书,但我们确实提供了这些建议。.

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Sampson区域医疗中心(SampsonRMC)今天宣布,该中心已被Healthgrades评为2022年患者安全卓越奖(Patient Safety Excellence Award™)获得者. 这一区别使SampsonRMC在健康等级评估的所有短期急症护理医院中排名前10%, the leading marketplace connecting patients and providers.

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Road construction update

City of Clinton will begin road construction on Cooper Drive

从10月11日星期一开始,克林顿市将在库珀大道开始道路建设. 道路建设工程的目的是安装一条新的排水线路. 预计比曼街和库珀路的交叉口将关闭长达一周. 

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